Young Money Bootcamp
Everything you need to know about saving, investing, and increasing your net worth.
In this twelve module program you will learn how to identify your goals and values with regards to money, spend less than you earn, invest the money that you earn, and invest in the stock market. If you're scared of the stock market, don't be. This eCourse will help you overcome that fear. It really can be very simple and not complicated, if you allow it to be.
Over the past 15+ years since I started making real money in the work force, I have learned a lot. A LOT. I have made tons of investing mistakes, but I have also increased my net worth since I first started out, never making more than six figures in my job over the past 15 years.
I now earn $18,000 of TRULY PASSIVE dividend income per year, or over $1500 per month on average. I am on track to have a 7 figure investment portfolio in a few years. You can check out my latest net worth updates and dividend income updates here.
I walk the talk and with this eCourse, you can too. In Young Money Bootcamp, you will learn what I learned over the past 15 years, you will learn what works and what doesn't, and you will learn this in just over twelve modules- saving you time and effort and hopefully you will learn from my investing mistakes instead of making them on your own.
Young Money Bootcamp is over 20,000 words of personal finance knowledge condensed into 12 modules. This eCourse is complete with quizzes, how-to videos, spreadsheets, handouts, and other learning tools to start your investing journey.
Here are just some of the things you will learn if you sign up for Young Money Bootcamp:
- All about investing
- Whether you should invest in a TFSA or an RRSP (or both!)
- Exactly HOW to invest in the stock market- a step-by-step guide
- How to get PASSIVE income
- How to sign up an account with an online brokerage
- How to rebalance your investment portfolio
It is important to note that the investing aspect of this course is targeted towards Canadians (investing in TFSA's, RRSP's etc.) but the main idea of the course is applicable to everyone.
Initially I had charged a fee for this course, but I decided to change it to a free course because I want to share what I learned with others.
I hope you find it useful.
If you are interested in it, please sign up with your email and you will also receive updates from the blog.
When signing up for the course, you can click "opt-in to receiving instructional and promotional emails" to receive blog updates.
Make the Most of Your Money,
Your Instructor
GYM is a 30 something personal finance enthusiast. She has been a personal finance blogger since 2009, and was the creator behind one of the most visited personal finance blogs in Canada. She is the author behind A website dedicated to personal finance for millennials (20-30 somethings) with a focus on investing, saving money, and living a meaningful and minimalist lifestyle.
Contact me!
- Twitter: @genymoneyca
- Instagram:
- Pinterest: @genymoney
- Email: gym @
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you want to reach financial independence?
Well, you can.
You have the most important thing on your side- TIME and youth!
What are you waiting for?
Sign up now for Young Money Bootcamp and change the direction of your financial path, reach your goals, and gain financial independence.
Take advantage of this learning opportunity now and invest in yourself and your financial freedom!